- I have been busy booking some shows!August 19th, 2023 Union Station Brewing Company Jesup, GA August 26th, 2023
- Available Now! “Stupid Heart” The New EP from Ty Manning and the Slawdog BiscuitsGet the new EP “Stupid Heart” from Ty Manning and the Slawdog Biscuits at Apple
More >Available Now! “Stupid Heart” The New EP from Ty Manning and the Slawdog Biscuits
- TOMORROW 6/17 New EP + Ty Manning LIVE!New! Ty Manning and the Slawdog Biscuits “Stupid Heart” Produced by Charlie Chastain and recorded
- Ty Manning and the Slawdog Biscuits “Stupid Heart” New EP 🎸 PRE-SAVE @Spotify#PreSave: https://tymanning1971.com/presave Ty Manning and the Slawdog Biscuits’ new EP “Stupid Heart” releases June 17,
More >Ty Manning and the Slawdog Biscuits “Stupid Heart” New EP 🎸 PRE-SAVE @Spotify
- 6/17 NEW EP Ty Manning and the Slawdog Biscuits “Stupid Heart”#TyManning #StupidHeart #TyManningAndTheSlawdogBiscuits https://TyManning1971.com
- JUNE 17 NEW 4 SONG EP “STUPID HEART”Ty Manning and the Slawdog Biscuits “Stupid Heart” NEW MUSIC COMING JUNE 17TH “Stupid Heart”